- After our visit with the Baltimore Carmelites, our next stop is with the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first permanent Catholic sisterhood established by women of African descent, in 1829. We’re honored that our IHM foundress, Sister Theresa Maxis Duchemin, was originally an Oblate Sister of Providence!
- We spend time in prayer at the shrine of Mother Mary Lange, who founded the OSP congregation and is in the canonization process for sainthood.
- “Providence provides.” On the podcast, our guests Sister Marcia and Sister Gabriel talk with the online community about what it means to have a profound trust in God in the face of great challenges. Truly inspiring!
- We stay overnight with the sisters and in the morning head back to Toledo, taking along great memories of our visits in Baltimore. Our Cher playlist keeps us energized as we drive down the home stretch :)
L: Sister Marcia Hall, OSP, is Vocation Director for the Oblate Sisters of Providence
R: Sister Gabriel Walker, OSP, is in school ministry.
Mission Statement: We, the Oblate Sisters of Providence, faithful to our charism and the Spirituality of our Founders and trusting in Divine Providence, declare our mission is to embrace and to serve others with the same compassion with which Christ embraces us, sharing with all the unconditional love of the Suffering Jesus.
L: Sister Marcia Hall, OSP, is Vocation Director for the Oblate Sisters of Providence
R: Sister Gabriel Walker, OSP, is in school ministry.
Mission Statement: We, the Oblate Sisters of Providence, faithful to our charism and the Spirituality of our Founders and trusting in Divine Providence, declare our mission is to embrace and to serve others with the same compassion with which Christ embraces us, sharing with all the unconditional love of the Suffering Jesus.